1. My 6 favourite books of 2020

    “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors; and the most patient of teachers.”– Charles W. Eliot Every year I aim to read more than the previous year. I thought a global pandemic and less time behind the camera would

  2. 4 steps to taking better social media photos for your business

    Social media allows us to connect with our communities and ideal clients in a more accessible and informal way than ever before, but it requires time, thought, and a serious amount of content! Using images in your posts is not only a sure-fire way to increase engagement but is also…

  3. 7 things to do with your hands on a photo-shoot

    When it comes to personal branding photo-shoots, one question I’m frequently asked is, “what should I do with my hands?” Why is it that most of the time we can move through life without worrying about what our arms and hands look like, but stick us in front of a…

  4. Becoming visible - move past fear and share your story

    “The ocean does not apologise for its depth and the mountains do not seek forgiveness for the space they take and so, neither shall I.” - Becca Lee WHEN YOU… Share photos of yourself onlineCreate video content or jump on the livestream trainStart to be vocal on social mediaPut your…

  5. PR: what it is and how it can help you build your brand, by Lou Stewart of Your Kind Co.

    PR – WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT ANYWAY? There are lots of myths surrounding what some call the dark art of PR, from whether it costs a fortune, to ‘it’s only something for big brands’ and my favourite - that we are all ladies who lunch – Ab Fab style! Well…

  6. Brand photo-shoot in Nottingham - coach - Tara Trautman

    “Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.” - Marianne Williamson Meet Tara - a mindset and self-compassion coach for women. Tara uses meditation, yoga, and sound…

  7. 3 ideas for social media photos you can take today!

    Summer holidays are just around the corner, and while they might not be quite what we had planned at the start of the year, let’s make the most of them! Now is a great time to start thinking about social media content and the photos you can take on your…

  8. 5 must-have props for your personal branding photo-shoot

    Whether you’re planning an epic personal branding photo-shoot with the photographer of your dreams, or you’re just wanting to up your bespoke social media stock photo game, there are a few foolproof props you shouldn’t be without. 1. Your laptop or tablet Likely to be the engine room of your…

  9. Brand archetypes: what are they and how can they help you?

    Think of your favourite stories. Be they books, films or television series’, which were the stories you loved and really engaged with? Now think of the characters within those stories. The chances are those characters fit into fairly broad categories; the mysterious and seductive femme fatale, the spandex-clad hero back…

  10. Brand photo-shoot in Nottingham - coach for yoga professionals - Dawn Wright

    “Yoga means addition – addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul.” – Amit Ray Meet Dawn! Dawn is a yoga teacher and business coach for other yoga professionals. Dawn got in touch with me as she wanted to launch the coaching side of her business and…

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