1. Where does the personal end and the brand begin?

    So, one question that seems to come up a lot with personal branding and social media is, “Where does the personal end and the brand begin?” The truth is that you are your brand.  You are your own USP.  Sure, there are plenty of people doing the same ‘thing’ as…

  2. Barnum Humbug: life and business lessons from The Greatest Showman

    © 20th Century Fox Last week I treated myself to a little self-care time by going to see ‘The Greatest Showman’ at the cinema.  What a wonderful piece of film - I’m STILL buzzing from it. Inspired by the rise and fall and rise again of the controversial circus impresario

  3. Five tips to maximise your personal branding shoot

    A personal branding photo-shoot is a big deal - it’s about digging deep into who you are, where you’re going on your business journey and who it is you want to connect with.  It’s an opportunity to look at who you are at your best, and how we can celebrate

  4. Stepping out of your comfort zone

    David Bowie once said, “If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area.  Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in.  Go a little bit out of your depth.  And when you don’t feel

  5. Why personal branding is SO important

    Why is personal branding photography so important for building your business? Personal branding photography is marketing YOU – it’s all about celebrating the very best of you and your business.  You want to share your talents and passions with the world, to show your ideal clients what it means to

  6. Brand photo-shoot in Nottingham - coach & podcaster - Mary Baird

    There’s something about Mary… Meet Mary - undercover superhero, business coach, and podcast host extraordinaire. Mary has one goal with her company, The Simplifiers: to help people simplify their lives. “Whether you’re not sure how to manage your crazy-busy schedule or just need a little help with the daily grind,…

  7. Copenhagen calling!

    Hola! I’m back from the most amazing summer excursion to Copenhagen, capital city of the second happiest country in the world! I can’t remember when I first became interested in visiting Copenhagen.  Maybe it was a family friend telling me, “you’d LOVE Copenhagen, it’s so beautiful and so clean.”  Or…

  8. Brand photo-shoot in Nottingham - proofreader & copywriter - Ros Horsley

    What a glorious day I had taking wonderful Ros’ new personal branding photographs in Nottingham city centre.  Ros is a proofreader and copywriter; the ‘it girl’, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s!  Together we dreamed up a plan of how her new photographs would look.  We delved deep into…

  9. Inspired by Steve Judge’s amazing story

    Image Source: When it comes to writing blog posts, someone once told me to, “write about what inspires you.”  Well I was certainly inspired after meeting Steve Judge at a networking event a few days ago. Told that he may never walk again after a near-fatal car accident in…

  10. 5 reasons to hire a make-up artist for your personal branding shoot

    Ladies!  How great do you feel on a GOOD hair and make-up day?  For me, it’s when my eyeliner’s spot on, I know I can take on the world!  When it comes to your personal branding shoot, I would always recommend hiring a professional make-up artist to get the most

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