1. 5 top tips to prep for your personal branding shoot

    Personal branding photo-shoots are all about celebrating the very best of you and your business.  So I want you to look and feel at your most sparkly best.  Here are a few super easy things that you can do in advance, to help make the whole process easier, and ultimately

  2. Styling tips for your personal branding photo-shoot!

    So, you’re all booked in for an amazing personal branding shoot but then the wardrobe crisis strikes! Sound familiar? Yep, I’ve totally been there!  “What do I wear? Does that even suit me? Does that even fit me?!” When it comes to styling, the most important thing is to be…

  3. How to Choose a Personal Branding Photographer

    So you’re looking for a personal branding photographer?  Marvellous!  But you don’t know where to start?  Yep, tell me about it!  Making sure you choose the right photographer is integral to the success of your shoot.  At the end of the day, when all is said and done, all you…

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